Charming charmer


Charming charmer

Charming charmer

Came across this book on “Men’s Grooming” the other day at Kyobo Book Center. It’s a little hard to see, but the copy between the lines reads

The man, who constantly takes care of his look is charmer than the one, who was naturally born with it

Sounds like a charmer, doesn’t it?

At first glance, this one seemed error-free until the word charmer just stood right out at me.

Small change from charmer –> charming will do the trick.
I’m going to assume that the final “it” refers to “look”.

Vendor vs. vender



Vendor or vender? I saw this sign on a recent visit to Tokyo. It caught my eye because the only spelling I am aware of is vendor. I assumed this to be an example of Engrish and captured it, but upon doing some online research, it turns out that the alternate spelling vender though rare, does exist. Which spelling do you usually use?